Comments on: Stupid Selfies: #Instaidiots Raping Art Galleries mapping the extraordinary Mon, 14 Aug 2023 14:35:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: SG Sun, 31 Dec 2017 20:53:11 +0000 Aliens, I’m sorry for humanity.

By: Seni dan Konteks Ruang/Waktu | Upchucking Words Fri, 09 Jun 2017 17:41:16 +0000 […] Sebagian besar adalah anak-anak remaja (mungkin sekitar SMA). Saat itu, saya sebenarnya sangat senang karena saya pikir ternyata banyak orang yang senang mengapresiasi seni atau mungkin ‘mengerti seni’ (ya, ini memang debatable dan terdengar agak pretensius). Karya dipamerkan disana pun relatif lengkap—mulai dari zaman pionir seni di Indonesia, pergerakan-pergerakan seniman, hingga seni internasional dan kontemporer—dengan narasi dan kuratorial yang informatif bagi orang awam seperti saya. Selain itu, saat itu ada juga pameran temporer dari Dia.lo.gue Art Space bertajuk Exi(s)t 2017: tomorrow as we know it yang berisi karya-karya dari para seniman mengenai visi dan mengenai masa depan (dekat atau jauh) dan isu-isu yang meliputinya seperti spiritualitas, gender, hingga realitas dunia maya. Saat itu juga saya juga memerhatikan perilaku dari pengunjung galeri. Setelah selesai berkeliling, saya menyimpulkan bahwa—oke, ini sangat menggeneralisir—sepengamatan saya, banyak pengunjung yang melakukan selfie dan berfoto ria dengan latar karya-karya seni tersebut. Sejujurnya, pada awalnya saya sangat tidak mempermasalahkan hal tersebut karena memang tidak mengganggu orang lain dan karya seninya pun aesthetically pleasing dan cocok untuk difoto. Namun kemudian saya menyadari bahwa bahkan banyak orang tidak membaca narasi dan kuratorial dari karya yang dipamerkan. Sebagian orang tersebut hanya mampir sebentar, melihat karyanya, dan kemudian berfoto di depan karya seni yang dianggap bagus (sekali lagi, maaf bila terdengar judgmental dan sok, saya hanya menyuarakan apa yang waktu itu saya lihat). Lalu saya membaca ini: […]

By: Ivan Kralj Wed, 07 Jun 2017 09:59:28 +0000 In reply to Andrian.

It is hard to understand internal motives of these girls. Personally, I think they just got “carried away”.
The problem is that the system has allowed it / supported it, by not providing written, physical and personal protection for the artworks displayed.
Organizers’ ignorance is more frightening in the long run than the one expressed by some visitors.

By: Andrian Mon, 05 Jun 2017 15:09:43 +0000 Fæking disgusting. I really loathe people like these who doesn’t care the art at all. This however, linked to the low education level that the country has.

It’s really sad to see people who doesn’t appreciate art do what they want inside an exhibition or a museum. I mean, at least they should have the decency not to obstruct the objects.

By: Ivan Kralj Tue, 30 May 2017 16:04:29 +0000 In reply to LOW.

Interesting example. Maybe she was really a fan of textures.

By: Ivan Kralj Tue, 30 May 2017 16:03:23 +0000 In reply to Endru Reza.

Selfies are a social phenomenon, like so many others. They are a part of the construction of our public self.
They are the legitimate tool for promoting ourselves, in the light we choose.
But they cannot be a legitimate excuse for taking the artwork of others in our hands (without the artist’s permit) and use it in which ever way we want.

By: Ivan Kralj Tue, 30 May 2017 16:00:37 +0000 In reply to Karina Manopo.

True, as an answer to one of the previous comments, it is possible that Hapsari’s instruction and lack of instruction for other artworks produced confusion when a visitor asks himself how should he consume the artwork. For sure, Hapsari’s encouragement was all about saying how the artwork can be consumed, and not about how the artwork can be the backdrop for creating our own “artwork”.

By: Ivan Kralj Tue, 30 May 2017 15:56:24 +0000 In reply to Kimhaebum.

I understand the source of your anger, but for me the fact that galleries are giving away their space as photo shooting studio for free, is more disturbing.
Visitors can always be clueless, but galleries take responsibilities for the artworks they exhibit, so should know better how to protect them.

By: Ivan Kralj Tue, 30 May 2017 15:54:05 +0000 In reply to Kevin Ferriane.

Thank you for your comment!
I don’t think this problem is uniquely Indonesian.
It is happening everywhere in the world, where social status can be strengthened by projecting images of our greater selves online, in the context that flatters us. Everybody does it. I can even admit I do it myself sometimes. It is that fragile borderline when our behavior becomes clueless, we should learn to recognize it and become more aware of ourselves and our actions, and how they effect our surrounding/context.

By: Ivan Kralj Tue, 30 May 2017 15:48:49 +0000 In reply to sara.

I agree, maybe this instruction for Hapsari’s work produced more confusion about the other works that did not have such instruction.
On the other hand, Hapsari’s invitation was meant as an instruction on how to consume her artwork – by sitting in the sand and watching the big black ball turning around. The instruction on how to consume the artwork does not make the artwork an instant photo studio for selfie shots. These girls did not sit there for a second to look at the artwork. They sat down to look into their photo camera.
