In the past decade, Bali has become the synonym for travel that necessarily includes yoga, meditation, detox, wellness and similar vocabulary of…
Folsom Europe in Berlin is the largest gay fetish event of the old continent. We visited this sleazy German BDSM and leather festival, and here’s where our eyeballs dropped out!
Indonesia is a vast country made of thousands of volcanic islands worth exploring. Backpacking Indonesia is, therefore, an exciting idea; one could spend…
This is the place where nobody will give a mean look if two male partners request a double room, but the essential philosophy of friendliness overgrows sexual orientation issues…
Sziget Festival is Budapest music institution being promoted as the Island of Freedom. That doesn’t mean you are free to be a festival jerk! Read this guide to avoid embarrassment!
A woman in business attire passes by, with a bucket. She stops by the picnic blanket, turns the bucket upside down, and pours several liters of tomato puree over the blonde!
Bathhouse lovers can enjoy hundreds of jjimjilbangs in Seoul. These are our 5 suggestions for a memorable spa adventure in the Korean capital!
Struggling with defending your personal space on flights? Discover practical strategies for navigating seating challenges, particularly when sharing a row with larger seatmates!
There is one sure-fire way of not exceeding the baggage weight limit: minimizing your clothes. For naturist holidays in warm Greece, hand luggage will be enough!
Pipeaway Newsletter #137: It’s getting hot out there, but we are still looking for the coolest travel stories with the Olympic gold hue!
Pipeaway Newsletter #136: From throwing up to being thrown upward, we fly you through another pile of extraordinary travel stories!
Pipeaway Newsletter #135: From the hiking loops to the disliking poops, people come up with very special solutions to problems. Pipeaway Newsletter is back, read on!
Pipeaway Newsletter #134: Time is money, and even if this newsletter edition comes two days late, it’s packed with priceless info that will make your virtual travels worth it!
Pipeaway Newsletter #133: Leaving your shell is hard, but it’s a start of a new adventure. In this week’s newsletter, find everything from picnics to pickpockets!